Can an element created in jquery create a brother?


I have created an element in jquery and I have stored it in a variable as I show it below:

x = $("<tr><td> Texto </td></tr>");

and if I print it in console in this way console.log (x [0]) print me the following

<tr><td> Texto </td></tr>

My question is whether there is a function or a way for the variable x to create a sibling and that when I print on the console I print something similar to the following

<tr><td> Un hermano antes </td></tr> 
<tr><td> Texto </td></tr>
<tr><td> Un hermano despues </td></tr>
asked by Epifanio Pérez Ramírez 12.11.2018 в 22:34

1 answer


You can use clone() to clone the element, and then before() and after() to add them before or after it.

  let $orig = $("#original");
  let $clon = $orig.clone();
  $clon.text("Soy el clon 1");
  $clon = $orig.clone();
  $clon.text("Soy el clon 2");

<script src=""></script>
<tr id="original"><td >Soy el original</td></tr>
answered by 12.11.2018 в 22:44