Put restrictions on typing a float variable, a string variable, and leaving blanks of the following interface in Python


good morning.

I am developing a program in Python that I enter the number of students according to their performance in the notes and generate a statistical graph, and would like to know how to put restrictions with graphical interfaces that by typing a decimal number, a variable string and leave blank spaces, show me warning messages saying that this data is not valid.

I could not, only with negative numbers. This would be very helpful, you would be grateful ...


import tkinter as tk
import sys
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
import math

class Aplicacion:
    def __init__(self):
        # opciones de ventana
        self.ventana1 = tk.Tk()
        self.ventana1.title("Academic statistics")

        fuente = font.Font(family="roboto", size=10, weight="bold")
        fuentetitulo = font.Font(family="roboto", size=14, weight="bold")
        self.labeltitle = tk.Label(self.ventana1, text="Academic statistics", font=fuentetitulo, bg="#808080",

        self.labeltitle.place(x=110, y=10)

        self.label1 = tk.Label(self.ventana1, text="Students with low notes", font=fuente, bg="#808080")
        self.label1.place(x=20, y=80)
        self.dato1 = tk.StringVar()
        self.entry1 = tk.Entry(self.ventana1, width=20, textvariable=self.dato1)
        self.entry1.place(x=220, y=80)

        self.label2 = tk.Label(self.ventana1, text="Students with middle notes", font=fuente, bg="#808080")
        self.label2.place(x=20, y=120)
        self.dato2 = tk.StringVar()
        self.entry2 = tk.Entry(self.ventana1, width=20, textvariable=self.dato2)
        self.entry2.place(x=220, y=120)

        self.label3 = tk.Label(self.ventana1, text="Students with high notes", font=fuente, bg="#808080")
        self.label3.place(x=20, y=160)
        self.dato3 = tk.StringVar()
        self.entry3 = tk.Entry(self.ventana1, width=20, textvariable=self.dato3)
        self.entry3.place(x=220, y=160)

        self.label4 = tk.Label(self.ventana1, text="Students with top notes", font=fuente, bg="#808080")
        self.label4.place(x=20, y=200)
        self.dato4 = tk.StringVar()
        self.entry4 = tk.Entry(self.ventana1, width=20, textvariable=self.dato4)
        self.entry4.place(x=220, y=200)

        # botones
        self.boton1 = tk.Button(self.ventana1, text="Exit", command=self.finalizar, font=fuente, bg="#DF013A",
        self.boton1.place(x=100, y=270)
        self.boton2 = tk.Button(self.ventana1, text="Generar ", font=fuente, bg="#04B431", fg="#FFFFFF",
        self.boton2.place(x=200, y=270)

        # para hacer visible la ventana
        self.ventana1.resizable(False, False)

    # comandos para los botones
    def finalizar(self):

    def barras(self):
        valor1 = int(self.dato1.get())
        valor2 = int(self.dato2.get())
        valor3 = int(self.dato3.get())
        valor4 = int(self.dato4.get())
        tot = (valor1 + valor2 + valor3 + valor4)

        if valor1 < 0 or valor2 < 0 or valor3 < 0 or valor4 < 0:
            messagebox.showwarning("Dato Inválido", "Números negativos, por favor ingrese números enteros positivos")
            print("Números negativos, por favor ingrese números enteros positivos")


            fuente = font.Font(family="roboto", size=10, weight="bold")
            self.ventana2 = tk.Tk()
            self.canvas1 = tk.Canvas(self.ventana2, width=800, height=500, background="gray")
            self.canvas1.grid(column=0, row=0)

            # if valor1>0 and valor2>0 and valor3>0 and valor4>0 :
            largo1 = (valor1 * 100) / tot
            largo2 = (valor2 * 100) / tot
            largo3 = (valor3 * 100) / tot
            largo4 = (valor4 * 100) / tot

            porc1 = math.floor(largo1)
            porc2 = math.floor(largo2)
            porc3 = math.floor(largo3)
            porc4 = math.floor(largo4)

            self.canvas1.create_rectangle(10, 10, 10 + largo1, 90, fill="orange")
            self.canvas1.create_rectangle(10, 120, 10 + largo2, 200, fill="purple")
            self.canvas1.create_rectangle(10, 230, 10 + largo3, 310, fill="green")
            self.canvas1.create_rectangle(10, 340, 10 + largo4, 420, fill="yellow")

            self.canvas1.create_text(largo1 + 70, 50, text="Middle Notes", fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo1 + 300, 50, text=porc1, fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo1 + 320, 50, text="%", fill="white", font=fuente)

            self.canvas1.create_text(largo2 + 70, 160, text="Middle Notes", fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo2 + 300, 160, text=porc2, fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo2 + 320, 160, text="%", fill="white", font=fuente)

            self.canvas1.create_text(largo3 + 70, 270, text="Hight Notes", fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo3 + 300, 270, text=porc3, fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo3 + 320, 270, text="%", fill="white", font=fuente)

            self.canvas1.create_text(largo4 + 70, 380, text="Top Notes", fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo4 + 300, 380, text=porc4, fill="white", font=fuente)
            self.canvas1.create_text(largo4 + 320, 380, text="%", fill="white", font=fuente)


# bloque principal
aplicacion1 = Aplicacion()
asked by Anderson Santana 12.11.2018 в 03:03

0 answers