I need to solve a problem in haskell
where it asks me that the function (let's call it func1) receives a list and a maximum price (which is related to the elements of the list), and counts the elements that are not repeated. .
The list it receives is ['A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'D', 'D'].
I have already created the function that passes the values of the list in numbers
| x == 'A' = 111
| x == 'B' = 222
| x == 'C' = 333
| x == 'D' = 444
| otherwise = 0
func6(l) = map func5(l)
What it asks me is to show another list with the values that are not higher than the value received by parameter (for example: 350) and tell me how many values were left in the list. (in this example it would be only 3) but I can not think of how to solve it
Would someone help me solve it?