How do I create a form on the client side with my wordpress plugin?


I'm new to creating wordpress plugins.

I am trying to create a plugin that creates both the client side and the admin side. a form to fill out and insert the data into a table that my plugin automatically creates.

for example:

this is the form:

As you will see the part of the administrator I already have it. Now how do I create that form on the client side? I do not have the slightest idea and trying with shortcode but I do not know if you can avoid php code with a shortcode (to do the post of the form, validate and that)

I leave the code of my main page

Plugin Name: Miembros
Plugin URT:
Description: Plugin personalizado para la creacion de academis online
Version: 1.0
Author: WC Solutions
Author URI:
License: GPL
License URI:

/*Requerimos el archivo wc_crear_menu 
* llamamos instanciamso la clase para crear el menu en el administrador de wordpress creamos el menu 

$wc_menu = new wc_crear_menu;


/* Cargamos el CSS y JS  de materialize
 * agregamos el css a todos los elementos del menu

function wc_load_custom_wp_admin_style($hook) {
    $menus = [


    if(! in_array( $hook, $menus )) {

         plugins_url('admin/assets/css/materialize.min.css', __FILE__)
      plugins_url( 'admin/assets/js/materialize.min.js', __FILE__ ),
      array( 'jquery' )
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'wc_load_custom_wp_admin_style' );

function wc_instalar(){
    /* Creamos las tablas en l base de datos de wordpress */
    $testdb = new wc_database_creator;

function wc_desinstalar(){

function wc_desintalar(){
         // remove_menu_page('wc_Mimbros');
        //borrar el plugin
asked by Wilfredo Aleman 06.11.2018 в 23:39

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