I've been looking for the best way to make a cloud server with Ubuntu to restart, or if it has a fall for any reason and then get up again, automatically restart the nodeJs server that I have running in it.
To keep node running I do it with Forever, and to do what I'm looking for, I found two ways:
Using Crontab as follows:
$ crontab -u myuser -e
and in the editor that opens by adding the following line
@reboot /usr/local/bin/forever start /your/path/to/your/app.js
Add file and change permissions as follows:
$ cd /etc/init.d
$ sudo nano nodeapps
in the editor where nodeapp is created we put the following line:
sudo forever start /ruta/al/script/principal/de/la/app.js
We give execution permissions:
$ sudo chmod +x nodeapps
and the script is added to the boot:
$ sudo update-rc.d nodeapps defaults
Well, my question is which of these ways would be more stable, or if they have some other better way to do it?