Series of X aXis opposite are not displayed in the "Navigator"


I have a problem.

I have a chart with 6 series, 3 correspond to the lower X axis and 3 to the upper one. The problem is that the upper series are not displayed in the "Navigator" component, and when I move the range in it, the graph breaks and the upper axis no longer matches the lower one. Here the evidence:


Also, I would like the 2 axes to be aligned at the entrance, which is not happening. It's like that for the same date and time, the data is outdated.

Thank you very much!

asked by ZottoSL 05.11.2018 в 18:22

1 answer


Investigating thoroughly, I found out that it is not possible to show 2 axes of X in the same "Navigator" component. Therefore, I had to find another solution.

What I did was to take the new extremes when modifying the zoom of the range in the "Navigator" and to set them to the upper axis, as follows:

xAxis: [{
  type: 'datetime',
  events: {
    afterSetExtremes() {
      let bottomAxis = this,
      topAxis = this.chart.xAxis[1],
      diferenciaMin = Math.abs(bottomAxis.dataMin - bottomAxis.min),
      diferenciaMax = Math.abs(bottomAxis.dataMax - bottomAxis.max);
      topAxis.setExtremes(topAxis.dataMin + diferenciaMin, topAxis.dataMax - diferenciaMax, true)
}, {
  type: 'datetime',
  opposite: true,

The logic is simple. I also leave the official documentation of the afterSetExtremes () function: link

answered by 07.11.2018 в 14:44