I need to print a view called pura_noticia.blade.php:
<h1 class="card-title">El Aullido Vespertino</h1>
<img class="card-img-top" src="{{url($articulo->foto->ruta())}}"/>
<h3 class="text-left">{{$articulo->texto}}</h3>
<span class="badge badge-cat badge-info">Noticia publicada por {{$articulo->user->nombre()}} en el Aullido Vespertino</span>
<span class="badge badge-cat badge-info">Esta noticia ha sido publicada el {{$articulo->creado()}}
y se actualizó por última vez el {{$articulo->cambiado()}}
The story is simple, if a user had a printer, then download a document that would take this view as a basis.
I have DomPDF, in case it was necessary.
That is, if I use this code: PDF::loadView('pura_noticia', compact('articulo'))->download('PDF/'.$articulo->titulo.'.pdf');
, this will generate the PDF file and I will open a subwindow in which I can decide if I keep the document or simply open it to read.
What would be the homologo so that it opens a window offering me to print it?