I am developing a web-soscket with node.js to be able to make payments on paypal. The client is an app developed in react-native. Everything perfect until the time to make the payment, in the server everything is executed correctly and throws me this answer:


{id: 'PAY-6DJ79765SM738531KLPM6HMI',         try: 'come out',         state: 'created',         payer: {payment_method: 'paypal'},         transactions:          [{amount: [Object],              description: 'This is the payment description.',              item_list: [Object],              related_resources: []}],         create_time: '2018-10-31T17: 17: 36Z',         links:          [{href:               ' link ',              rel: 'self',              method: 'GET'},            {href:               ' link ',              rel: 'approval_url',              method: 'REDIRECT'},            {href:               ' link ',              rel: 'execute',              method: 'POST'}],         httpStatusCode: 201}

In the page of "Sandbox API Call History", everything appears satisfactory, but when entering the page / v1 / payments / payment / with the PayPal Debug ID this json appears:


{"name": "AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE", "message": "Authentication failed due   to invalid authentication credentials or a missing authorization   header. "," links ": [{" href ":" link "," rel " : "information_link"}]}

asked by Pedro Buccellati 31.10.2018 в 18:32

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