JRLoader.loadObject error of JasperReport


I'm new to this jasper report , I do not know if I'm missing something or why I get this error:

My Code line with error:

JasperReport reporte = (JasperReport) 

It's a maven project, with respect to jasperreport I only have this dependency


the error in the line of code is


no suitable method found for loadObject (String)

Thanks for the help.

asked by Henrry José Portilla Paredes 23.11.2018 в 21:44

1 answer


The error that is giving you is that you are sending a String when you wait for the full path of the report.

So what you can do is send the name of the report to a function that finds the complete path where you have your report, like this example:

  private InputStream reportFile(String file) {
        return ((ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext())
.getResourceAsStream("/resources/reports/" + file);

Here you already call the report as you have it in your code

JasperReport MasterReport = (JasperReport) 

Note: "/ resources / reports /" this route may vary depending on where you have your report folder

answered by 23.11.2018 / 22:17