Return detail table using AJAX


I am designing a dynamic application, that is, a store has different packages with prices. There are 7 taps with a barrel from which two and a half liter measures are taken to sell:

            type: "POST",
            url: "../gestionweb/views/modules/venta/procesoventa.php",

            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");
                   $.each(JSON.parse(data), function (index, item) {
                    $.each(medidas,function (index,item){
                      var fila='<tr>'+
         var contenido='<div class="col-sm-4" > '+
         '<div class="panel panel-danger">'+
          '<div class="panel-heading">CANILLA '+item.idcanilla+'</div>'+
          '<div class="panel-body">'+
        '<table class="canilla">'+
   ' <thead>'+
    +'<td><input type="button" id="Confirmar" value="Confirmar" class="btn btn-primary" /></td>'
   ' </tbody>'+
      '     </div></div></div> ' +
      '  </div>';


With the above code I can see the taps well, but the fact is that each tap is associated with an existing measurement in another table. Then as you will see inside each one I call another function, and doing a console.log if I get the prices accordingly but it shows me undefined:

 function Obtenerprecios(idbarril) {
 return $.ajax({
            type: "POST",
            url: "../gestionweb/views/modules/venta/procesoventa.php",

            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");


I really do not know what I'm doing wrong or how else to return the data of the function. the return ajax returns Object {readyState: 1, getResponseHeader: getResponseHeader (), getAllResponseHeaders: getAllResponseHeaders (), setRequestHeader: setRequestHeader (), overrideMimeType: overrideMimeType (), statusCode: statusCode (), abort: abort (), state: state (), always: always (), catch: catch (), ...} indexventa.js: 25: 14 And in responseText are the data but how could I read it?

asked by Caruso 09.11.2018 в 13:49

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