Good evening I have a problem happens that I am saving the images in my database from my android in a longblob column so then what happens esque saves me only PNG formats, but I when selecting images from my android app in jpg format Well, does not it work for me? Does anyone know the problem? Here I leave my code q would be the webseries that if I work with PNG but with JPG nothing.
$host_name = "localhost";
$database = "base_olx";
$user = "root";
$password = "";
$con = mysqli_connect($host_name,$user,$password,$database);
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"),true);
//$nombre = $json["nombre"];
$nombre = $json["listaNombres"];
$listaImagen = $json["listaImagen"];
$elIdProdInmueble = $json["idProdInmueble"];
$respuesta = array();
$i = 0;
$u = 1;
$f = "foto";
foreach($listaImagen as $imagen){
$na = $nombre[$i];
$f = $f.$u;
$ruta = "../fotos/".$na;
$imagen = addslashes($imagen);
$insertarEnGaleria = "INSERT INTO 'galeria'('url',
'id_prod_inmu','imagen', 'ruta') VALUES
$decodedImagen = base64_decode($imagen);
$return = file_put_contents("../fotos/".$na,$decodedImagen);
//$insertarEnGaleria = "INSERT INTO 'galeria'('url',
'id_prod_inmu','imagen', 'ruta') VALUES
$f = "foto";
$respuesta["ok"] = "Imagenes agregadas con exitos";
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode( $respuesta);
$respuesta["ok"] = "Hubo un error fatal";
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode( $respuesta);
Thank you friends, I hope you can help me.