How to put a field of a horizontal select in sql that does not duplicate data SqlServer

Paciente= HC.IdPaciente ,
Fecha_Adm = CONVERT(char(10), E.FechaAdmision, 101),
Activo = Case when  E.Estado = 'Activo' then 1 end,
Anulado = Case when E.Estado = 'Anulado' then 1 end,
Estado = Case when E.Estado = 'Anulado' then 'Solo Anulado' 
              when E.Estado = 'Activado' and E.Estado= 'Anulado'  THEN 'Activado'  else 'Activado' end
from dbo.VW_SA_EM_REP_ListadoAtencionEmergencia E
--LEFT JOIN PersonaMast         Paciente        ON  Cita.IdPaciente         =   Paciente.Persona
LEFT JOIN SS_GE_Paciente        HC              ON  E.CodigoHC = HC.CodigoHC    
and Month(FechaAdmision)=08
and TipoAtencion= 'Emergencia'
and E.Sucursal = 'CEG'
group by 
CONVERT(char(10), E.FechaAdmision, 101), 
Case when E.Estado = 'Activo' then 1 end,
Case when E.Estado = 'Anulado' then 1 end,
Case when E.Estado = 'Anulado' then 'Solo Anulado' 
     when E.Estado = 'Activado' and E.Estado= 'Anulado'  THEN 'Activado'  else 'Activado' end
order by Paciente, Fecha_Adm

I have this query, from which the result gives me an example if a patient has id 28 and its FechaAdmsion equals 01/10 but has two states Activo and Anulado .

Based on this example I will give two data that one has Activated and the other Canceled but the question would be how to make this patient who has two data put only one.

See here what you want to get

asked by Christian Guerra Huertas 29.10.2018 в 20:32

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