I want to make 3 queries within a method in JAVA in order to assign a serial number to my record that has the ID number as consecutive, this is my code.
public void guardar()
String erp = jComboBox1.getSelectedItem().toString();
String cant = jComboBox2.getSelectedItem().toString();
String estpack = jComboBox3.getSelectedItem().toString();
Date fecha = jDateChooser1.getDate();
String serie;
int aidi;
int cantpc = Integer.parseInt(cant) * Integer.parseInt(estpack);
Connection s = Conexiones.getConexion();
Statement st = s.createStatement();
st.executeQuery("insert into Embarques (ERP,CantCont,EstandarPack,FechaEmbarque,CantPiezas) values ('"+erp+"','1','"+estpack+"','"+new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(fecha)+"','"+cantpc+"')");
}catch(SQLException e)
Connection s2 = Conexiones.getConexion();
Statement st2=s2.createStatement();
ResultSet last_id = st2.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(ID) FROM Embarques");
aidi = last_id.getInt("ID");
serie = "SMX-"+new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(fecha)+"-"+aidi;
Statement st3 = s2.createStatement();
st3.executeQuery("UPDATE Embarques SET No_Serie ='"+serie+"' WHERE id='"+aidi+"'");
}catch(SQLException e)