Hi everyone, I'm trying to connect two computers per socket ... the server has services in java and the client is in visual basic ... I downloaded libraries to recognize java methods and my class that calls the socket is like this :
Public Shared Sub CallSocket(ByVal strJSON As String)
Dim sentence As String = ""
Dim respuesta As String = ""
Dim inFromUser As New BufferedReader(New InputStreamReader(java.lang.System.in))
'1 crea el socket y se conecta
Dim clientSocket As New Socket("", 15000)
'2 se consigue el canal de entrada
Dim inFromServer As New BufferedReader(New InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()))
'3 se consigue el canal de salida
Dim outToServer As New DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream())
'4Se pasa el JSON a la variable sentence
sentence = strJSON
'5. El método java.io.DataInputStream.writeBytes (String s) escribe un byte en el flujo subyacente
'como un valor de 1 byte. El contador se incrementa en 1 en la ejecución exitosa de este método.
outToServer.writeBytes(sentence & "\n")
respuesta = inFromServer.readLine() ''en esta linea se queda y ya no hace nada mas
java.lang.System.out.println("FROM SERVER: " & respuesta)
Dim pdfstr As String = respuesta.SubstringBetween("{\" & Chr(34) & "pdf" & "\" & Chr(34) & ":\" & Chr(34), "\" & Chr(34) & ",\" & Chr(34))
Dim pdf As Byte() = getDecoder().decode(pdfstr)
If pdf IsNot Nothing Then
Dim File As New File("prueba" & DateTime.Now.Millisecond & ".pdf")
Dim FileOutputStream As New FileOutputStream(File)
' FileOutputStream.write(pdf)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
When I get to the line == > answer = inFromServer.readLine () to get a response from the server the program just waits and does nothing else
I hope you can help me with this problem