Data between two javafx windows


I am developing a javafx application, in which I run into the following problem:

I am trying to fill out a form in which one of the fields I want to fill in bringing the data from another window, in this second window I only show a tableview. what I want to do is that when I select a record in the tableview it closes and I fill the field in the first window

asked by Johnatan De Leon 26.10.2018 в 08:37

1 answer


maybe you should be more precise about your case, since there are different ways of doing it depending on what you are looking for. According to what I understand, in your form you have a kind of "pop-up" which opens from the form, shows some data and when you close it, you want that data to be reflected in your main form.

You can look to use the class ChoiceDialog or, with the same operation, create your own dialog by extending it from Dialog .

answered by 26.10.2018 в 11:02