I have been working with jade and angularJS 1.x using Prepos; Now that I have migrated to angular 6+ angular material I have the problem that the HTML result of the compilation of pug does not consider the following:
mat-icon.my-icon(*ngIf="estado" (click)="drawer.toggle();CambiarEstado()") toggle_off <-- bota error en el ngIf
input(matinput placeholder='email', [(ngModel)]='email', name='email', required) <-- el matImput lo completa MatImput = "MatImput" (pasa lo mismo con el required) y el [(ngModel)]="email" desaparece
mat-drawer.my-sidenav(#drawer mode="side" opened="true") <-- no considera el #drawer
some idea of how to solve this is appreciated in advance.
Cordial greetings;