Given this code in the second iteration when an erroneous value is entered, the program loops without re-reading a value. I have tried to use "lector.nextLine ();" under "tipusValor = lector.hasNextInt ();", but then the reader is activated "numeroEscollit = lector.nextInt ();" after entering the values "a" and then "1".
The question is: Can you tell me how I can do a reading for each iteration and that it is detected if a value is of type int and if it falls within the established range?
Thanks in advance
import java.util.Scanner;
public class EjercicioWhile {
//Declarem constants
private static final int VALOR_MINIM = 1, VALOR_MAXIM = 20;
public static void main (String[] args) {
Scanner lector = new Scanner(;
//Definim variables.
boolean numeroCorrecte = false, tipusValor = true;
int numeroEscollit = 0;
//Demanem número.
System.out.print("Aquest programa mostra els múltiples d'un número determinat.");
while (!numeroCorrecte){
System.out.println("\nEscriu un número entre 1 i 20: ");
tipusValor = lector.hasNextInt();
if (tipusValor){
//Valor de tipus int.
numeroEscollit= lector.nextInt();
if ((numeroEscollit < VALOR_MINIM)||(numeroEscollit > VALOR_MAXIM)){
//No s'ha introduit un número correcte.
//Número correcte
numeroCorrecte = true;
System.out.println("TR: Numero correcte");
}else if (!numeroCorrecte){
System.out.println("TR: Missatge d'error");
System.out.println("TR: Hem sortit del bucle");