More than two roles in YII2


Good day, I want to create three roles in YII2. Role 1 = Administrator = You can see the actions view, edit, create. Role 2 = User = You can see the Create, View actions. Role 3 = Reviewer = You can see only the See action.

I had thought about creating a users table, and an initial page where once validated it will redirect to the files that I would personalize with 'template' = > '{delete} {view} {create} in' class' = > '\ kartik \ grid \ ActionColumn', but I think it is cumbersome to create many unnecessary files and especially the security issue, so I would like to do it with the user options offered by YII2, I have read something about RBAC, but in all the posts speak only of two roles and I want them to be 3.

Thank you very much

asked by Jorge 25.10.2018 в 15:47

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