Well, not necessarily, just create an ftp connection or an ssh, whichever is more your preference, in particular I use an ssh to use the command console and be able to run directly on the vps artisan commands.
Now the way to work:
-I use visual studio code with the ftp-simple extension, you have to configure the connection so that it is saving the changes directly on the server.
I leave the link of the extension.
To open the settings just press ctrl + shif + p and in the little window that appears, put ftp-simple and select the option that says config
in the page that opens you you have to put the data of your ftp connection
"name": "Nombre de tu coneccion",
"host": "tu dominio o el ip de tu dominio", (si no sabes como obtenerlo le el apendice)
"port": 'puerto,
"type": "tipo de conexion",
"username": "usuario",
"password": "contraseña ",
"path": "El directorio donde esta almacenado tu proyecto",
"autosave": true, // si quiere que auto guarde sin preguntar
"confirm": false // si quieres que no aparezca la el cuadro de dialogo diciendo que se va a modificar el archivo
Now to start the connection just press ctrl + shif + p and in the window type ftp-simple and choose the option that says remote-directory open to workspace
And ready.
If for some reason you can not connect directly to the ip you can ping your domain on this page.
or directly in your console just put
ping tu-dominio.com
and precionas enter, that will give you the ip of your domain
If you do not want to use visual stuido code, you can use any other editor, just google how to connect from ftp or ssh.
I use as I already commented visual studio code, and on puty I use my ssh connection to run artisan commands or nodejs command (webpack)