my problem is based on a table RESTRICTIONS, which is based on a turn-taking system, these restrictions can be created by the admin from its backoffice, so to go through this table I use a foreach, and for example I rely on The common restrictions that can be generated: Mandatory Sunday - mandatory opening -Up to 4 turns per user.
my system will only design it with these 3 restrictions but the ideal is that my code covers all the possibilities. then I have the following in the controller.
int contador = 0;
bool apertura = false;
bool domingo = false;
bool check1 = false;
foreach (string valor in Horario)
string[] arreglo = valor.Split(new char[] { '_' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Dia tDia = new Dia();
UsuarioTurnos usuarioTurnos = new UsuarioTurnos();
string DiaCortado = arreglo[0];
string TurnoCortado = arreglo[1];
int idDia = Convert.ToInt32(DiaCortado);
int idTurno = Convert.ToInt32(TurnoCortado);
var restricciones = db.Restriccion.Where(r => r.Dia_idDia == idDia && r.Turnos_idTurnos == idTurno).ToList();
foreach (var restriccion in restricciones)
var cantidad = restriccion.cantidad;
var minimoMaximo = restriccion.tipo;
var dia = restriccion.Dia_idDia;
var turno = restriccion.Turnos_idTurnos;
//restriccion para un turno domingo obligatorio
if (contador <= 4)
if (dia == 7)
if (cantidad == 1)
if (minimoMaximo == "min")
if (contador <= 4)
usuarioTurnos.Usuario_RutUsuario = (string)Session["rut"];
usuarioTurnos.Turnos_idTurnos = Convert.ToInt32(turno);
usuarioTurnos.Dia_idDia = Convert.ToInt32(dia);
domingo = true;
//restriccion para 1 turnos apertura obligatorios por semana
if (turno == 1)
if (dia != 7)
if (cantidad == 2)
if (minimoMaximo == "min")
if (contador <= 4)
usuarioTurnos.Usuario_RutUsuario = (string)Session["rut"];
usuarioTurnos.Turnos_idTurnos = Convert.ToInt32(turno);
usuarioTurnos.Dia_idDia = Convert.ToInt32(dia);
apertura = true;
//en esta restriccion solo se guardaran los turnos que no sean ni domingo ni apertura
if (cantidad == 4)
if (minimoMaximo == "max")
if (apertura == true && domingo == true)
usuarioTurnos.Usuario_RutUsuario = (string)Session["rut"];
usuarioTurnos.Turnos_idTurnos = Convert.ToInt32(turno);
usuarioTurnos.Dia_idDia = Convert.ToInt32(dia);
//restriccion para maximo 4 turnos por semana
return RedirectToAction("MiPerfil", "Usuarios");
good and in the bd I have 4 columns, id_dia, id_turno, quantity, type (min, max)
If you could help me please, thank you very much in advance, by the way I'm new to this forum.
Greetings from Chile