I need your help! Urgent !!
I am developing a hybrid app with Ionic JS / AngularJS based on webrtc to make calls / video calls. The application uses the sip.js library for calls. The server part is a FreeSwitch PBX. To have in IOS WebRtc, we are using the cordova-plugin-iosrtc plugin. When I try to make or receive calls, the application throws errors using the plugin cordova-plugin-iosrtc in the two ways that can be combined with sip sip.js
A) MODE A cordova-plugin-iosrtc Working with the peer connection ....
telephoneService.js (Angular JS)
var pc = new cordova.plugins.iosrtc.RTCPeerConnection({
iceServers: []
// constraints
{ audio: true, video: true },
// success callback
function (stream) {
console.log('got local MediaStream: ', stream);
// failure callback
function (error) {
console.error('getUserMedia failed: ', error);
var sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions = {
constraints: {
audio: audioId,
video: videoId
media: {
local: {
audio: document.getElementById('localAudio')
remote: {
audio: document.getElementById('remoteAudio')
extraHeaders: extraHeaders
userAgent.invite('sipusertocall', sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions);
undefined is not a objetc evaluating 'environment.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia' (sip.js lib)
B) MODE B cordova.plugins.iosrtc.registerGlobals (); we use iosrtc plugin with native webrtc (navigator.mediaDevice.getUserMedia (), ....)
function (stream) {
console.log('got local MediaStream: ', stream);
window.stream = stream;
// failure callback
function (error) {
console.error('getUserMedia failed: ', error);
var sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions = {
constraints: {
audio: audioId,
video: videoId
media: {
local: {
audio: document.getElementById('localAudio')
remote: {
audio: document.getElementById('remoteAudio')
extraHeaders: extraHeaders
userAgent.invite('sipusertocall', sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions);
App receives the following error via sip.js from the PBX: Failed: WebRTC Error
The app also receives the following error at the same time: "setLocalDescription () must be called with a RTCSessionDescription instance as first argument"
Thank you very much !!