Put / get name of an ITEM in listView WPF


I have created a listView that by default shows 6 elements with a field Nombre and another Def in this way:

        listView.Items.Add(new grafica(){Nombre = "Seno de x", Def = "a * sen(b*x)" });
        listView.Items.Add(new grafica(){Nombre = "Coseo de x", Def = "a * cos(b*x)" });
        listView.Items.Add(new grafica(){Nombre = "Potencia de x", Def = "a*xn" });
        listView.Items.Add(new grafica(){Nombre = "Multiplo de x", Def = "a*x +b" });
        listView.Items.Add(new grafica(){Nombre = "Polinomio de x", Def = "a*x2+ b*x +c"});
        listView.Items.Add(new grafica(){Nombre = "Inversa de x", Def = "a/(b*x)" });

grafica() is just a class with its set and get.

My question is, how can I know in listView that one of those elements is selected? Is there a way to name a item and use the nombre.isChecked property to perform operations with that item ?

Thank you!

asked by Mario Hernandez 23.10.2018 в 12:17

1 answer


If what you want is to determine which element of the list is selected you can use




Now, if what you want is to determine the value that is selected, remember that "graph" is a class that you surely declared in the following way:

public class grafica
   public string Nombre {get; set; } 
   public string Def {get; set ;} 

Therefore, when it is assigned as a ListView value, you must convert it for its use, that is, for example:


This will allow you to access the properties of your class and verify its contents in the following way:

if (((grafica)listView.selectedItem).Nombre.StartsWith("Seno")) 
   // Si empieza con "Seno" entonces es seno... 

Now if you only want to determine if an element of the ListView has been selected or none you can do the following:

if (listView.SelectedIndex == -1) 
   //No hay ningún elemento seleccionado
   //Hay un elemento seleccionado y ese elemento es el que 
   //se encuentra en el índice =  listView.SelectedIndex

This also applies to ListBox

answered by 29.10.2018 в 20:34