You will see I have a problem, I am doing a program that through a page jsp that contains a textbox to enter a number that will be the total number of fibonacci series that the user will see. That is, if you enter 5, you will only see 5 numbers of the fibonacci series. and that at the moment of giving the button calculate, send the number to a servlet that does the operation and respond to the jsp showing a drop-down-list with the series of fibonacci numbers, my problem is that I do not have the slightest idea how to return the array to jsp ... for the moment I have the following:
Enter a number to see the fibonacci series of it: <!-- form que contiene los datos a mandar al servlet -->
<form name="idFibonacci" action="srvFibo" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="txtNum" value="" placeholder="INGRESE EL NUMERO"/>
<input type="submit" value="Calcular" name="btnCalcular"/> <!-- boton que al apretar manda datos al servlet-->
By clicking on the calculate button, send the data to the servlet, which does the following:
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
try (PrintWriter out = response.getWriter()) {
RequestDispatcher r = null;
//si el no se ha aparetado el boton y la caja de texto no esta vacia
if((request.getParameter("btnCalcular")!=null) && (request.getParameter("txtNum")!=null))
//hago las variables para calcular el fibonacci
int resultado=0, a=0, b=1;
int n = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("txtNum")); //capturo el numero del textbox del jsp
int array[] = new int[n];//declaro mi array con el numero de espacios que mando el usuario en la variable n
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)//hago el procedimiento para calcular el fibonacci
resultado = a+b;
array[i]=resultado;//guardo los resultados en las posiciones del array
request.setAttribute("fibonacci",array[i]);//segun yo aqui se guarda cada posicion en la variable fibonacci
r = request.getRequestDispatcher("fibo.jsp");//lo manda al jsp
r.forward(request, response);
Finally it goes back to the jsp and it would have to print in a drop-down-list but I do not know how to do it ... see:
//si la respuesta de mi servlet en fibonacci es diferente de null
{//abajo en el drop down list tendría que imprimir la serie del fibonacci del array pero no se comoo hacerle
<select name="dropSerie">
I would greatly appreciate your help, Thank you!