I'm doing the following code conversion from vb .net to c #
Thread hilo = new Thread(AddressOf ConcatenarArchivosHilos);
where ConcatenarArchivosHilos has a parameter of an integer array
Private Sub ConcatenarArchivosHilos(ByVal indices() As Integer)
'el resto del codigo
End Sub
when converting to c # convert it ( link )
Thread hilo = new Thread(ConcatenarArchivosHilos);
private void ConcatenarArchivosHilos(int[] indices)
//El resto de codigo
in c # it would be normal for ConcatenarArchivosHilos to indicate an array of indices like this
Thread hilo = Tread(concatenarArchivosHilos(Arrayindices))
but as you explain it comes from VB.net code where that portion of NO code has the parameter of the ConcatenateArchivosHilos method, can someone explain why?
threads [linenumber] .Start (indexesAProcess); in this one taking the parameters to start threads.
The error that comes up at design time is can not convert from 'method group' to 'ThreadStart'