Good evening I have been working with Laravel 5.6, and they gave me the task of making a query to the database that is postgresql and showing the result in a view. The problem is that in the data consulted there is a field where images are stored and this is in byte format, and when trying to pass the data to the view laravel responds to me: Type is not supported
this is the code I have in the controller:
public function Datosfull($id,$gestion){
$Datofuncionario = DB::connection($gestion)->table('funcionario')
$fotografia = DB::connection($gestion)->table('fotografia')
->where('id_funcionario','=',$Datofuncionario->id_funcionario) ->get();
return view('inspector.funcionario',compact('Datofuncionario','fotografia'));
How I have to make these data visible and that the photographs are decoded and can be viewed.
Thank you very much.