I have four tables, the first one would be:
The table "articles" this table only has id_articulos, descripcioncorta, archivo, id_estatus.
The table "images" which will contain the id_imagenes and the location of the images, the table.
The table "texts" which contains the text_id and the text as such.
All this I link with a table called "position" in which I keep the id_position, the id_imagenes, the id_textos and the position
I try to make a Query that brings me all the images and all the texts that exist with the id of an article but I duplicate it, here the Query that tries
SELECT localizacion,texto from imagenes,textos WHERE id_imagenes IN
(SELECT id_imagenes FROM posicion WHERE id_articulos = 1) AND id_textos IN
(SELECT id_textos FROM posicion WHERE id_articulos = 1)