Find a cycle of 'n' nodes using DFS


I have a function with the following header:

def DFS(G,s,n):

G: Graph to walk.

s: Node source or parent node.

n: Number of nodes for the cycle.

Input: We will pass to the function a graph G, a node 's' from where our dfs search will begin, and a number 'n'.

During our DFS journey, we have to detect how many cycles there are that contain 'n' nodes. For example:

If we have this graph and we have input

def DFS(G,1,5):

I should return:

[a, g, f, c, b] or [e, b, g, c, f]

Among other cycles that may be given that contain 'n' (5) nodes in this case within the graph.

Any ideas on how to implement this using DFS?

Thanks in advance.

asked by Yeste 24.10.2018 в 17:03

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