sending parameters from mvc to sql server


I need to send these parameters to Sql Server to be used in my stored procedure:

(int[] DedudccionesId, DateTime FechaDesde, DateTime FechaHasta)

 //POST: Detalle Planilla Empleado
    public ActionResult DetallePlanillaEmpleado(Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado,Tbl_Empleado tbl_Empleado, Tbl_Deducciones tbl_Deducciones, Tbl_Puesto tbl_Puesto,Tbl_Planilla tbl_Planilla, Tbl_Agencia tbl_Agencia, Tbl_Area tbl_Area, int[] DedudccionesId, int[] otrosBeneficios, DateTime FechaDesde, DateTime FechaHasta)

        IList<PlanillaViewModel> planillaViewModelLista = new List<PlanillaViewModel>();
        PlanillaViewModel planilaViewModel = new PlanillaViewModel();
        IEnumerable<Tbl_HistorialLaboral> EmpleadosPlanilla = new List<Tbl_HistorialLaboral>();
        IEnumerable<Tbl_Deducciones> DeduccionConValor = new List<Tbl_Deducciones>();
        // Deducciones
        if (DedudccionesId != null)
            IList<string> Deducciones = new List<string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < DedudccionesId.Length; i++)
                string cadena = "";
                cadena += DedudccionesId.ToString() + ",";

                int idDeduccion = DedudccionesId[i];
                var Deduccion = db.Tbl_Deducciones.FirstOrDefault(t => t.DedId == idDeduccion);
                if (Deduccion.DedTipo == "No Frecuente")

                    var DeduccionesEmpleados = db.Con_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado.Where(t =>  t.AgeId == tbl_Agencia.AgeId && t.AreId == tbl_Area.AreId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(t.DetDedEmpFecha) >= FechaDesde && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(t.DetDedEmpFecha) <= FechaHasta && t.HisLabEstadoEmpleado == true);

                    ViewBag.DeduccionesEmpleados = DeduccionesEmpleados.ToList();  // muestra las deducciones asignadas a los empleados

                                            string[] arreglo = Deduccion.DedDescripcion.Split();
                    //string arreglo = DeduccionesEmpleados.Contains();
                if (Deduccion.DedTipo == "Frecuente")
                    // var DeducionesFijasEmpleado = db.Con_DeduccionesFijasEmpleado.Where(t => t.DedId == tbl_Deducciones.DedId && t.AgeId == tbl_Agencia.AgeId && t.AreId == tbl_Area.AreId && t.HisLabEstadoEmpleado == true);
                    var DeducionesFijasEmpleado = db.Con_DeduccionesFijasEmpleado.Where(t => t.AgeId == tbl_Agencia.AgeId && t.AreId == tbl_Area.AreId && t.HisLabEstadoEmpleado == true);

                    ViewBag.DeducionesFijasEmpleado = DeducionesFijasEmpleado.ToList();   // muestra las deducciones No frecuentes asignadas a los empleados


            ViewBag.Deducciones = Deducciones.ToList();

This is my stored procedure already created in sql

drop procedure sp_DetalleDeducciones

create procedure sp_DetalleDeducciones @inicio datetime, @final datetime, @areID int, @ageID int, @Cadena varchar(100)
    select * into #cad from dbo.DescomponesCadena(@cadena)
    select * into #his from Tbl_HistorialLaboral where AgeId = @ageID and AreId = @areID
    select * into #det from Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado where DetDedEmpFecha between @inicio and @final
    select * into #emp from Tbl_Empleado where EmpId in (select EmpId from #det ) and EmpId in (select empID from #his)
    select * into #ded from Tbl_Deducciones where DedId in (select ID from #cad)

    select e.EmpId, e.EmpNombre, e.EmpApellido, d.DedId, d.DedDescripcion into #empl
     from #ded d
     cross join #emp e

     select distinct e.*, ISNULL(d.DetDedEmpValor,0) DetDedEmpValor
      into #out
     from #empl e 
     left join #det d on e.empID = d.EmpId and d.DedId = e.DedId 
     order by e.EmpNombre

     select EmpId, sum(DetDedEmpValor) Total into #Total from #out group by EmpId

     select o.*, t.Total 
      from #out o 
      inner join #total t on t.EmpId =o.EmpId


execute sp_DetalleDeducciones '2018-05-01', '2018-05-08', 5, 1, '8,2,5,'
asked by Marco Eufragio 23.10.2018 в 05:38

1 answer


To invoke a procedure using you must follow the following structure

using(SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("connection string"))

    SqlCommand cmd= new SqlCommand("sp_DetalleDeducciones", cn);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@inicio", Convert.ToDateTime(Textbox1.Text));
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@final", Convert.ToDateTime(Textbox2.Text));
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@areID", Convert.ToInt32(Textbox3.Text));
    //resto parametros

    SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

       //aqui cargas la lista

Of course this is just an example, you must adapt it to your code, but the idea of how it should be

Note that the procedure executes multiple SELECT , but they all use INTO , which assigns the result to a temporary table, at least one of the select should return a response to have something in reader

answered by 27.10.2018 / 12:34