Problem when running a stored procedure does not execute the change in c # mysql, mysql and workbench

        ConexionBd.ConnectionString = ConecionMySql.CadenaBaseDatos();
        Comando = new MySqlCommand("DeleteUser", ConexionBd);
        Comando.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        Comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("N_User", User.NUser1);                

What is strange to me is that when executing the stored procedure in mysql workbench it does not give any problem, when executing it the stored procedure in the program does not give errors, just does not effect the elimination of the user.

Example in WorkBench: call test.DeleteUser (1003). The user is removed perfectly.

When calling the procedure by means of the code shown, the user is not deleted, it must be taken into account that User.NUser1 carries the user code that I want to delete and that the code does not fall. I'm not sure if it's because MySql WorkBench somehow blocks me from updating and inserting, since I can only select data. I thank you in advance for suggestions

asked by Luis Chavarria 23.10.2018 в 04:42

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