Search with SQLite filter


I have a table called BUSINESS, with name, category, time, address.

Create a method:

public List<Negocio> findFilter(String selection){  //BUSCAR CON FILTRO

        //Cursor cursor = database.query(NegociosDBOpenHelper.TABLE_NEGOCIOS,allcolumns,selection,null,null,null,orderBy);
        Cursor curso = database.rawQuery("SELECT " +NegociosDBOpenHelper.COLUMN_CATEGORIA +
                " FROM " + NegociosDBOpenHelper.TABLE_NEGOCIOS +
                " WHERE " + NegociosDBOpenHelper.COLUMN_CATEGORIA +
                " LIKE '% " + selection + "'" , null);
        List<Negocio> negocio = cursorToList(curso);
        return  negocio;


Where I call it, and then place it in a ListView:

categoria = bundle.getString("categoria");
 negocio = dataSource.findFilter(categoria);

        lista = (ListView) findViewById(;

        if (negocio.size()==4){   //5
            negocio = dataSource.findAll();


    public void RefreshDisplay(){
        ArrayAdapter<Negocio> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Negocio>(this,android.R.layout.simple_selectable_list_item,negocio);



But it does not give me any results. The category variable works, as it performs a toast to check.

asked by Ibarra Emiliano 16.10.2018 в 04:15

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