Hi, I have the following code, and the problem is that I can not pass the result of the results to the matrix, then use it in another class to fill a table and generate a pdf file, It always tells me in the out print that the value is NULL although the result shows the data I need. What I want is for the table data matrix to take the data from the results.
////boton Propietarios
JButton btnPropietarios = new JButton("Propietarios");
btnPropietarios.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
while (modelo.getRowCount() > 0) modelo.removeRow(0);
try {
result = null;
Connection conexion = DriverManager.getConnection(Menuppal1.ruta);
PreparedStatement st = conexion.prepareStatement("select * from PROPI");
result = st.executeQuery();
//dese aqui
int h=0;
int g =0;
Object Datosfila[] = new Object[4];
String datostabla[][] = new String[4] [10000];
while (result.next()){// Se rellena cada posición del array con una de las columnas de la tabla en base de datos.
for (i=0; i<Datosfila.length; i++){
Datosfila[i] = result.getObject(i+1);
datostabla[g][h] = (String) result.getObject(i+1);
System.out.println("valor de g y h :" +g+ "====" + h);
System.out.println("valor del result :" +result.getString(i+1));
System.out.println("matriz["+g+"] ["+h+"]=" + datostabla[g] [h]);
if (g==3){