I'm putting together a form that is validated by Jquery Form Validator link
What I am doing is that when I send the form, I validate the fields that I require and if they are correct I send them through ajax, at the end of the query I modify the id of the form and the html of the submit button.
The idea is that in the first shipment I make a query to the BD and it is valid that the data is not already in the database and I show a message indicating if the data is already or not, the user will be able to register the data mentioned, I just need to inform you and this for me would be a second form, so I changed the ID to do a second validation.
the first validation works, the second does not.
My code is this.
<form role="form" id="validar_participante" method="post">
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-info" id="enviar_formulario">Verificar Alumno</button>
To process this form I use this code:
form : '#validar_participante',
modules : 'html5',
lang : 'es',
validateOnBlur : true,
errorMessagePosition : 'inline',
scrollToTopOnError : false,
onSuccess : function($form) {
var url = "matricula_val_process.php";
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: $("#validar_participante").serialize(),
success: function(data)
$("#enviar_formulario").text("Cargar Alumno");
return false;
}, });
This code does the ajax query and returns the necessary information.
Later what I want is to validate the "New form" since I changed the ID and I consider it a new form and I use a new script.
form : '#agregar_participante',
modules : 'html5',
lang : 'es',
validateOnBlur : true,
errorMessagePosition : 'inline',
scrollToTopOnError : false,
onSuccess : function($form) {
var url = "matricula_add_process.php";
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: $("#agregar_participante").serialize(), /
success: function(data)
return false;
}, });
The issue is that this second does not perform the action
Will they have any idea what mistake I'm making?
I am attentive and I appreciate your time.