Declare global variable $ scope in angularjs, next to function?


I want to declare the global variable $scope , but I'm using a function call WineCtr() , but when I try to declare the $scope , ['$scope', function($scope){} in this way, I can not detect the code.

<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="Ctrl as ctrl">
  <div ng-repeat="category in ctrl.getCategories()">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="ctrl.filter[category]" />
      {{ category }}

  <hr />
    <input type="text" ng-model="busqueda" />
  <h3>Available Wines</h3>
  <div ng-repeat="wine in (ctrl.wines | filter:ctrl.filterByCategory) |filter:busqueda  as filteredWines">
    {{ }} <i>({{ wine.category }})</i>
  <hr />
  <b>Number of results: {{ filteredWines.length }}</b>

  module('myApp', []).
  controller('Ctrl', WineCtrl,  ['$scope', function($scope){


function WineCtrl() {

  var self = this;

  // Variables - Public
  self.filter = {};
  self.wines = [
    {name: 'Apartamentos 1', category: 'Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 2', category: 'Casa'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 3', category: 'Casa Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 4', category: 'Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 5', category: 'Hotel'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 6', category: 'Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 7', category: 'Casa Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 8', category: 'Hotel'}    

  // Functions - Public
  self.filterByCategory = filterByCategory;
  self.getCategories = getCategories;

  // Functions - Definitions
  function filterByCategory(wine) {
    return self.filter[wine.category] || noFilter(self.filter);

  function getCategories() {
    return (self.wines || []).
      map(function (wine) { return wine.category; }).
      filter(function (cat, idx, arr) { return arr.indexOf(cat) === idx; });

  function noFilter(filterObj) {
    return Object.
      every(function (key) { return !filterObj[key]; });
asked by Angel 11.10.2018 в 21:11

1 answer


You are running your code javascript ( AngularJs ) after the code html , you need to separate the angular code in a different file and call it in head to be able to recognize you the functions.

angular.module('myApp', []).controller('Ctrl', WineCtrl,  ['$scope', function($scope){


function WineCtrl() {

  var self = this;

  // Variables - Public
  self.filter = {};
  self.wines = [
    {name: 'Apartamentos 1', category: 'Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 2', category: 'Casa'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 3', category: 'Casa Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 4', category: 'Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 5', category: 'Hotel'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 6', category: 'Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 7', category: 'Casa Apartamento'},
    {name: 'Apartamentos 8', category: 'Hotel'}    

  // Functions - Public
  self.filterByCategory = filterByCategory;
  self.getCategories = getCategories;

  // Functions - Definitions
  function filterByCategory(wine) {
    return self.filter[wine.category] || noFilter(self.filter);

  function getCategories() {
    return (self.wines || []).
      map(function (wine) { return wine.category; }).
      filter(function (cat, idx, arr) { return arr.indexOf(cat) === idx; });

  function noFilter(filterObj) {
    return Object.
      every(function (key) { return !filterObj[key]; });
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="script.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="Ctrl as ctrl">
  <div ng-repeat="category in ctrl.getCategories()">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="ctrl.filter[category]" />
      {{ category }}

  <hr />
    <input type="text" ng-model="busqueda" />
  <h3>Available Wines</h3>
  <div ng-repeat="wine in (ctrl.wines | filter:ctrl.filterByCategory) |filter:busqueda  as filteredWines">
    {{ }} <i>({{ wine.category }})</i>
  <hr />
  <b>Number of results: {{ filteredWines.length }}</b>

answered by 11.10.2018 в 21:21