I have a question to fill out an OptionsCollection of Struts.
I have an Action where I retrieve the data and through the request I pass the result. From here, whatever I put in the option gives me an error. Thanks in advance. I leave the Struts Action code.
EquipoDAOInter equipoDao = new EquipoDAO();
GenericDao generic = new GenericDao();
List<Equipo> listadoEquipo = equipoDao.listaEquipos();
request.setAttribute("listaEquipos", listadoEquipo);
return mapping.getInputForward();
The class I have associated to the Form, on the one hand I have the class equipment and on the other the Form where I instancio the class.
I put the select code:
<html:select property="equipo" value="Select">
<html:option value="Select">Select</html:option>
<html:optionsCollection name="equipoForm" property="equipo" label="" value="" />