Show data of an input type text in table with PHP


I would like to know how I can capture the data of an input type text inserted in the MySQL DB and display them in a table with PHP using an array, since with the other inputs it works correctly for me but it does not work with the input type text, I leave the code:


<input type="text" class="form-control" id="Desc" placeholder="Ingresar texto" name="Desc" autofocus required>


<?php while ($producto = $result->fetch_assoc()){ ?>
    <td><?php echo $producto['Descripción']; ?></td>

<?php } ?>

Insert in the BD:

$Descripción = $_POST['Desc'];

    $stmt = $bd->prepare("
        INSERT INTO producto (Id, Stock, Tipo, Disponible, Valor, Descripción) 
        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

//Asigna las variables a la query
    $stmt->bind_param('isssis', $Id, $Stock, $Tipo, $Disponible, $Valor, $Descripción);

//Ejecuta la query
asked by Pedro 15.10.2018 в 08:12

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