I have the following dataframe:
and I want to go through each line of the column "CO_tin_no" to consult it with a webservice
for nit in mydataset_df.CO_tin_no:
nit = mydataset_df.CO_tin_no
url = 'http://www.rues.org.co/RM/ConsultaNIT_json'
headers, payload = {
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
}, {'txtNIT': nit}
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=payload, timeout=4)
if r.json().get('rows', False):
res = r.json()['rows'][0]
legal_name = res['razon_social'].title()
#print item
mydataset_df['legal_name'] = item
response = 'no se encuentra el nit o cc ->'
mydataset_df['legal_name'] = response
#print response, nit
mydataset_df['legal_name'] = item
This function stops when it does not get a registration in the webservice and the validation does not continue.
The response error is:
ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index