I have NetBeans IDE 8.2 installed next to the Cygwin package in Windows 8.1. I have already tried to reinstall the program but it is not solved.
I program in C.
When I start the program everything works correctly, the programs compile and run without any problem. The exception is the debugger. When I add a breakpoint and start the debugger, I always see the same windows (when I have verified that the program compiles and works correctly):
Signal received:? (Unknown signal) For program ej9.4, pid 6.148
You can discard the signal or forward it and you may continue or pause the process
** Received signal:? (Unknown signal) For program (name of the program) You can discard the signal or resend it and you can continue or pause the process
Then I have tried the DISCARD AND CONTINUE option (discard and continue) and the following window appears:
Debugger error
Unrecognized or ambiguous flag word: \ "? \".
** Debugger error. "Flag word" not recognized or ambiguous
Do you have any solution for this? I have tried to reinstall NetBeans and the Cygwin package but it does not work for me. If I do not press the DISCARD AND CONTINUE option, the debugging process stops before giving the second error message.