NETBEANS DEPRESSING ERROR: Unrecognized or ambiguous flag word: \ "? \"


I have NetBeans IDE 8.2 installed next to the Cygwin package in Windows 8.1. I have already tried to reinstall the program but it is not solved.

I program in C.

When I start the program everything works correctly, the programs compile and run without any problem. The exception is the debugger. When I add a breakpoint and start the debugger, I always see the same windows (when I have verified that the program compiles and works correctly):


Signal received:? (Unknown signal) For program ej9.4, pid 6.148


You can discard the signal or forward it and you may continue or pause the process

** Received signal:? (Unknown signal) For program (name of the program) You can discard the signal or resend it and you can continue or pause the process

Then I have tried the DISCARD AND CONTINUE option (discard and continue) and the following window appears:


Debugger error
  Unrecognized or ambiguous flag word: \ "? \".

** Debugger error. "Flag word" not recognized or ambiguous

Do you have any solution for this? I have tried to reinstall NetBeans and the Cygwin package but it does not work for me. If I do not press the DISCARD AND CONTINUE option, the debugging process stops before giving the second error message.

asked by Lucia 21.11.2016 в 21:41

1 answer


Apparently it is a NetBeans error and in fact there are already users who have reported it but apparently they have not fixed it since 2011, here you can see that other users have had the same problem link .

As a suggestion I would use Eclipse better for the debugging process.

answered by 16.07.2017 в 17:23