It turns out that for a job I need to get the number of tweets that have an "x" twitter account, to occupy the API I must wait for them to enable me account so it is not an option.
I am currently doing web scraping to the profile where I get to the following tag:
<span class="ProfileNav-value" data-count="176156" data-is-compact="true">176 mil </span>
It turns out that I need to get the whole number that comes in data-count, this is my scraping code:
require 'simple_html_dom.php';
$url= ''; //URL del usuario a obtener tweets
$html = file_get_html($url); //Obtemos todo el contenido
$tweets = $html->find('div[class=ProfileNav]'); //Dentro del html recibido
buscamos el div con la class ProfileNav
foreach ( $tweets as $tweet){
$contenido = $tweet ->find('span[class="ProfileNav-value"]',0);
echo $contenido;
It works but it shows me the value that is seen in the front, if the user has a lot of tweets he shows it to me: 176 thousand for example.