How can I deserialize this information.
[ID, Descripcion1, Descripcion2, Descripcion3],
[222, Halo, $2333, null],
[333, Sugar, $333, null]]}
How can I deserialize this information.
[ID, Descripcion1, Descripcion2, Descripcion3],
[222, Halo, $2333, null],
[333, Sugar, $333, null]]}
You can not because it is badly formed, in several aspects, one of them is that you have some quotes right after "games":
[ID, Descripcion1, Descripcion2, Descripcion3],
222, Halo,$2333, null
333, Sugar, $333, null]
Once the solutions, there is more to be done anyway, since that object is not a valid JSON object. You should expose it like this
"games": [
"Id": "222",
"Descripcion1": "Halo",
"Descripcion2": "$2333",
"Descripcion3": null
"Id": "333",
"Descripcion1": "Sugar",
"Descripcion2": "$333",
"Descripcion3": null
And being that way you could deserialize it in objects of these classes
public class Game
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Descripcion1 { get; set; }
public string Descripcion2 { get; set; }
public object Descripcion3 { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public List<Game> games { get; set; }
Using Newtonsoft JSON
RootObject g = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);