Vagrant Homestad on Amazon AWS


I am developing a Laravel 5.6 application on my computer locally with the virtual machine homestad

I want to publish my application on an AWS instance but I want to have exactly the same configuration of my local machine on the AWS instance, how can I ask AWS to take my configuration file from my local environment to create the new one? instance and I can not forget to install absolutely nothing.

I know I can manually configure my machine but I really want to have the same environment locally and in the cloud.


asked by Manuel Luna Soto 02.10.2018 в 00:01

1 answer


In order to build the same work environment, a lot of manual work awaits you ...

I would raise a new instance of EC2, and start by installing the requirements of laravel homestead: virtualbox, vagrant ...

Then I would try to install the same version of laravel homestead on that machine.

Your local homestead.yml would have to work on the EC2 instance ...

However, you will have to review the topic of internal ips that you will have, since the homestead machine will have its ip, the instance of EC2 another ... just like you did in your local machine in your hosts file, then in the aws environment, check security-group ...

Another quicker option would be to try laraedit, (I do not know if you have knowledge of docker). But laraedit is a container with laravel homestead ( link )

If your local environment you had worked with docker, this would have been much simplified ... There are very good containers to work with laravel and raise a web server for him ...

Courage! Luck!

answered by 09.11.2018 в 13:50