The server shows me "Server Hangup", "502 Bad Gateway", "err_empty_response", these messages after creating a subdomain from php with xmlapi. The information is registered in the database and the subdomain is created perfectly, only then it shows me that error. I'm working with codeigniter.
I think it's a server configuration, because it works fine on my local machine. But I do not know what it is. How could I solve it?
This is my code
$dominio = 'midominio'; //cargo la libreria $this->load->library('Cpanel_Api'); $cpanelusr = 'minombreusuario';//nombre del usuario cPanel $cpanelpass = 'miclave';//Contraseña del usuario cPanel $xmlapi = new xmlapi('mihost'); $xmlapi->set_port(2083);//Puerto $xmlapi->password_auth($cpanelusr, $cpanelpass);//Autenticacion en cPanel $xmlapi->set_debug(1); //Salida de errores 1= verdadero $json = $xmlapi->set_output('json'); $result = $xmlapi->api1_query($cpanelusr, 'SubDomain', 'addsubdomain', array($Tie_Subdominio, $dominio, 0, 0, 'carpeta'));//Creamos el subdominio $array = json_decode($result);//Convierte en un array los datos json enviados por la API if ($array->postevent->result == 1) { if ($result) { //aqui redirecciono a un enlace dentro de mi pagina } else { $errors = "No se pudo crear el subdominio."; } } else { $errors = $errors_api; }