Problem in variable connection undefined


The code is this:

conn file -> Connection to the database:


class conn

    //Atributos de la base de datos
    private $dbname;
    private $host;
    private $user;
    private $pass;
    private $port;

    public function __construct()
        $this->dbname = "scrum";
        $this->host = "localhost";
        $this->user = "postgres";
        $this->pass = "1234";
        $this->port = "5432";
        $conexion = new PDO("pgsql:host=".$this->host.
        }catch(Exception $e)
            echo "Tienes el siguiente error:", $e->getMessage();

    public function consultaSimple($sql)

    public function consultaCompleja($sql)
        $consulta = $conexion->query($sql);
        return $consulta;


Error trying to include it in the file inicio.php which is a system view in which I make a list. Which tells me that the connection variable is empty; however, the connection is generated.

Driver code:



class controlador
    private $usuario;


    public function __construct()
        $this->usuario = new source();

    public function index()
        $resultado = $this->usuario->listar();
        return $resultado;

    public function crear($nombre, $apellido, $username, $pass, $correo)

        $resultado = $this->usuario->crear();
        return $resultado;

    public function eliminar($id)

    public function ver($id)

    public function editar($id)

? >

CRUD source code and functions:


//Incluimos la clase de conexión

class source
    //Atributos principales
    private $id;
    private $nombre;
    private $apellido;
    private $username;
    private $pass;
    private $correo;

    private $conexion;

    //Métodos CRUD

    //constructor de la classe conexión
    public function __construct()
        $this->conexion = new conn();

    //Fijamos o establecemos el valor del atributo que venga a partir del formulario
    public function set($atributo, $contenido)
        $this->atributo = $contenido;

    //Obtenemos el atributo o dato a través del formulario
    public function get($atributo)
        return $this->atributo;

    public function listar()
        $sql="SELECT * FROM usuario";
        $resultado = $this->conexion->consultaCompleja($sql);
        return $resultado;

    public function crear()
        $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE username = '{$this->username} or correo = '{$this->correo}' ";
        $resultado = $this->conexion->consultaCompleja($sql2);
        $num = fetchColumn($resultado);

        if (num != 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO usuario (nombre, apellido, username, correo, password) 
            VALUES ('{$this->nombre}','{$this->apellido}','{$this->username}','{$this->pass}','{$this->correo}')";

            return true;


    public function eliminar()
        $sql = "DELETE FROM usuario WHERE idusuario = '{$this->id}' ";

    public function ver()
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE idusuario = '{$this->id}' ";
        $resultado = $this->conexion->consultaCompleja($sql);
        $row = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC($resultado);

        //Set interno

        $this->id = $row['idusuario'];
        $this->nombre = $row['nombre'];
        $this->apellido = $row['apellido'];
        $this->username = $row['username'];
        $this->pass = $row['password'];
        $this->correo = $row['correo'];

    public function editar()
        $sql = "UPDATE usuario SET nombre = '{$this->nombre}', apellido = '{$this->apellido}', password = '{$this->pass}' 
        WHERE idusuario = '{$this->id}'";



? >

asked by Cristian Camilo Cadavid Escarr 14.11.2018 в 16:57

1 answer


As you have the class, the connection is only available in the constructor. To be able to use it in the other methods you must create a member of the class to which to assign the connection.

For example:

class conn

    //Atributos de la base de datos
    private $dbname;
    private $host;
    private $user;
    private $pass;
    private $port;
    private $conexion;

    public function __construct()
        $this->dbname = "scrum";
        $this->host = "localhost";
        $this->user = "postgres";
        $this->pass = "1234";
        $this->port = "5432";
        $this->conexion = new PDO("pgsql:host=".$this->host.
        }catch(Exception $e)
            echo "Tienes el siguiente error:", $e->getMessage();

    public function consultaSimple($sql)

    public function consultaCompleja($sql)
        $consulta = $this->conexion->query($sql);
        return $consulta;




The way you are passing your queries is highly vulnerable to   attacks from injection   SQL . It's about a   security hole through which a malicious user   could take control not only of your database, but of everything   the operating system .   It would be useful if you use queries prepared to neutralize that risk.

answered by 14.11.2018 / 17:21