Help with a JOINS in 2 tables in MySQLi in PHP


I commented to them I have read several times the blog of link

but I can not implement a JOINS in my project, what I have so far works perfectly but I'm doing 2 or 3 queries and the idea is to optimize the queries to my database for logical reasons.


Query 1
SELECT * FROM pagos  WHERE user = '$usua' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $init, $limit_end

Query 2
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$rowUser'

Using these 2 Query I retrieve the information contained by means of a mysqli_fetch_assoc and I have made my project work, but I would like to learn how to implement a JOINS in my query to give practicality with the use of dynamisms with the use of a LIKE '%$busqueda%' as I have done in others of my query that I have implemented a search like this:

SELECT * FROM users 
             WHERE (idusuario LIKE '%$busqueda%' OR
                    nombre LIKE '%$busqueda%' OR
                    email LIKE '%$busqueda%') 
             AND user_type = '$user_tipo'
             ORDER BY id
             DESC LIMIT $init, $limit_end

What I Need That the query makes me a SELECT and with the user data of the ORDER table the name of the USERS table is retrieved and that by means of a mysqli_fetch_array I can recover this data I then leave the structure of my 2 tables



En la tabla PEDIDO user = idusuario de la tabla USERS

With the help of you I try to do it myself but I can not do it, I'm going to place the complete function that I'm working on

function lista_pagos_mes(){
    global $db, $usua, $mes, $limit_end;

  $url = basename($_SERVER ["PHP_SELF"]);

  if (isset($_REQUEST['busqueda'])) {
    $busqueda = strtolower($_REQUEST['busqueda']);
  } else {
    $busqueda = "";

    if (isset($_GET['mes']))
        $init = ($ini-1) * $limit_end;

        if (isAdmin()) {

          if (empty($busqueda)) {
            $busqueda = "";
            $countmes="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pagos WHERE status_pago = 'PENDIENTE'";
            $querymes = "SELECT * FROM pagos WHERE status_pago = 'PENDIENTE' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $init, $limit_end";
            $resultmes = mysqli_query($db, $querymes);
            $rowmes =  mysqli_num_rows($resultmes);

            $mensaje  = 'No hay datos que Mostrar';
          } else {
            $countmes="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pagos WHERE status_pago = 'PENDIENTE' AND (user LIKE '%$busqueda%')";
            $querymes = "SELECT * FROM pagos WHERE status_pago = 'PENDIENTE'  AND (user LIKE '%$busqueda%') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $init, $limit_end";
            $resultmes = mysqli_query($db, $querymes);
            $rowmes =  mysqli_num_rows($resultmes);

            $mensaje  = 'No hay datos que Mostrar';


        } else {

            $countmes="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pagos WHERE user = '$usua'";
            $querymes = "SELECT * FROM pagos  WHERE user = '$usua' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $init, $limit_end";
            $resultmes = mysqli_query($db, $querymes);
            $rowmes =  mysqli_num_rows($resultmes);

            $mensaje  = 'No hay datos que Mostrar del usuario ' .$_SESSION['user']['username'];


/* querys */

    if (!$rowmes){

    echo '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert" >';
    echo '<h3>';
    echo $mensaje; 
    echo '</h3>';
    echo '</div>';

    } else {
        $num = $db->query($countmes);
        $x = $num->fetch_array();
        $total = ceil($x[0]/$limit_end);

        if (isAdmin()){

    echo '<div class="table-responsive">';
    echo '<table id="tabla1" class="table table-bordered table-hover stacktable">
      <th>Fecha de Pago </th>
      <th>Monto / Mes Pagado</th>
      <th>Nro Transf / CI</th>
      <th>Desde / Hasta</th>

     $c = $db->query($querymes);
     while($rowmes = $c->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC))
      $date = date_create($rowmes['fecha_pago']);
      $fecha = date_format($date, 'd-m-Y');
      $fecha_pago = $fecha;
      $rowUser = $rowmes['user'];
      $rowid = $rowmes['id'];

      $sql_user = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$rowUser' OR nombre LIKE '%$busqueda%'";
      $resultado_user = mysqli_query($db,$sql_user);
    $row_user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_user);
    $rowNombre = $row_user['nombre'];
      $link_aprobar_mes = '<form autocomplete="off" class="was-validated" method="post" action= "mensualidades.php?id='.$rowid.'&user='.$rowUser.'"><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="aprobar_pago_btn">Aprobar</button> </form>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.$rowid.'</td>
       <td>'.$fecha_pago .'</td>
       <td>'.$rowmes['monto'].' BsS / '.$rowmes['mes_de_pago']. '</td>
       <td>'.$rowmes['nro_transf'] . ' / '.$rowmes['ci_nro_cuenta'].'</td>
       <td>'.$rowmes['banco_origen'].' / '.$rowmes['banco_destino'] .'</td>
       <td>'.$link_aprobar_mes .'</td>
      echo '</tbody></table>';

        // SI NO ES ADMIN

Just as I have it, it only allows me to filter the results according to what you want to look for, but how it works only if a search of the client number is made and my idea is that if you search for a name, it will do so ..!

asked by Jose M Herrera V 12.10.2018 в 18:24

1 answer


In order now I understand the use of JOIN in MYSQL was somewhat lost, but I have solved using the following query

based on the following example:

SELECT nombre_columna
FROM tableA
ON tableA.nombre_columna=tableB.nombre_columna

I've rewritten my query like this:

$querymes = "SELECT * FROM pagos
        INNER JOIN users
        ON pagos.user=users.idusuario
         WHERE status_pago = 'PENDIENTE'  AND (user LIKE '%$busqueda%' OR nombre LIKE '%$busqueda%') ORDER BY fecha_pago ASC LIMIT $init, $limit_end";

When combining and / or joining the records of more than one tables (can be two or more tables). The ON clause is used to match the records in two or more tables through a column with a value in common between the tables to be joined, based on the value of the id column. The use of INNER JOIN combines an inner union allows rows of any of the tables to appear in the result if and only if both tables meet the conditions specified in the ON clause, to get results related to each other in a php and mysql query that we need in our web projects.

answered by 13.10.2018 в 06:28