I will start from the fact that you have a project like the one published in its repositories jhipsterSampleApplication with the version JHipster 5.4.2 .
Apparently the problem lies in the front-end because it does not allow you to have access to that view. To do this you must edit your file region.route.ts
and add your created role.
path: 'region',
component: RegionComponent,
data: {
authorities: ['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_PQRS'],
pageTitle: 'jhipsterSampleApplicationApp.region.home.title'
canActivate: [UserRouteAccessService]
To add the role you are doing it well but it is necessary to clarify Liquibase is a complement to add version to your Database but this action could be done by inserting the record directly using SQL or adding the role in the authorities.csv
file included in the project.
Another point to take into account is the configuration in the file SecurityConfiguration.java
in the method public void configure(HttpSecurity http)
.antMatchers("/api/**").authenticated() // Esta línea permite que tu usuario realice peticiones al back-end
This file contains the configuration that your back-end has to allow users to make requests. This in case you want to restrict certain end-points to a specific role.