Hi, I'm looking at a tutorial and when I run the server I get the following error:
The Base Document C: \ work \ SpringMVCSignupLoginPasswordEncoder \ target \ SpringMVCSignupLoginPasswordEncoder-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT does not exist or is not a readable directory
File server.xml
of Tomcat 7.0
<!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications
Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />
<!-- Access log processes all example.
Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html
Note: The pattern used is equivalent to using pattern="common" -->
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" pattern="%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b" prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"/>
<Context docBase="C:\work\SpringMVCSignupLoginPasswordEncoder\target\SpringMVCSignupLoginPasswordEncoder-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT\" path="/SpringMVCSignupLoginPasswordEncoder" reloadable="true" /></Host>
In the tutorial it says to copy the URL where the project is located, what I already did, if someone could help me, I would appreciate it very much.
Tools: -Java 8 -Spring 4 MVC -Tomcat 7.0 -MySql