help ddslick jquery plugin


Hello community I found this library of dynamic selects in jquery ddslick I would like to know if anyone has knowledge of it, the library has two forms If you are looking for the documentation you will see what I mean, because I am using the normal way I am doing the following ..

<!--este select es cconfigurado por la libreria hace que le puedas agragar imagenes  -->
<select id="demo-htmlselect">
    <option value="0" data-imagesrc=""
        data-description="Description with Facebook">Facebook</option>
    <option value="1" data-imagesrc=""
        data-description="Description with Twitter">Twitter</option>
    <option value="2"  data-imagesrc=""
        data-description="Description with LinkedIn">LinkedIn</option>
    <option value="3" data-imagesrc=""
        data-description="Description with Foursquare">Foursquare</option>

and the code js for this to work is this



    onSelected: function(Data){//esto es como el on change 
        alert(Data.selectedData.value);//y asi se obtiene el valor
         return false;


well the thing is that I always select a value when loading the page and I do not want that because through the onSelected: function in my original code I have 5 of these selects and all do calls ajax then when loading the page all the selects are executed making 5 calls ajax thing that even the browser becomes slow, as I could do in this library so that I do not Is this selecting a default value? that is, this executan the function onSelected without even me doing that action, in the Documentation this is how the library is used but I do not give with the error.

I leave a sniper delo that makes me the library and to see how it looks I hope you can help me thanks!


         selectedIndex:null,//intente poner index nul pero nada
    onSelected: function(Data){
         return false;
 <select id="demo-htmlselect">
        <option value="0" data-imagesrc=""
            data-description="Description with Facebook">Facebook</option>
        <option value="1" data-imagesrc=""
            data-description="Description with Twitter">Twitter</option>
        <option value="2" selected="selected" data-imagesrc=""
            data-description="Description with LinkedIn">LinkedIn</option>
        <option value="3" data-imagesrc=""
            data-description="Description with Foursquare">Foursquare</option>
  <script src=""></script>  
      <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
asked by andy gibbs 26.09.2018 в 19:24

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