I did the program in c ++ and it compiled but when I tried to pass it to c # I throw the error with message: Not all the code paths return value
public static bool backtracking(List<Nodo> arreglo, int n, int actual, LinkedList<Nodo> resultado, int inicio, int c)
colorcito[actual] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
if (colorcito[i] == 0 && relaciones[actual, i] != -1)
aristas[c] = relaciones[actual, i];
if (c == n + 2 && i == inicio)
return true;
backtracking(new List<Nodo>(arreglo), n, i, new LinkedList<Nodo>(resultado), inicio, c);
colorcito[actual] = 0;