problem ssl let's encrypt ssl certificate


everything is correct to install it works perfect but when I share from my website to social networks in http if you print the content of the goal but in https nothing prints only the web link. I link them to the debugged "developer" and in https it marks me error. when http is going all right. same code, without modifying anything,.

<meta name="description"                content="[ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION]">
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It has me talking only if it is not a problem with the code server or the ssl but the problem started when installing the ssl certificate

the redirection if you do it right with .htaccess. and what to generate the ssl certificate I do not understand. the browser validates me as safe until there is all right the problem is when sharing in social networks

this is the error that I inform developers.facebook  Warnings that should be solved Inferred property The "og: image" property must be explicitly provided, even if its value can be derived from other tags. Missing properties The following mandatory properties are missing: og: url, og: type, og: title, og: image, og: description, fb: app_id SSL Error Can not validate SSL Certificate. Either it is self-signed (which will cause browser warnings) or it is invalid. CURL error CURL error: 60 (SSL_CACERT) - Txuti 14 minutes ago

asked by Txuti 25.09.2018 в 21:09

1 answer


Good ... I already solved the problem, it was a certificate error in the browsers The solution was that once you install the ssl let's encrypt certificate, and redirect with (.htaccess) you must also install the CA Certificate. more information here thanks and regards

answered by 27.09.2018 в 17:47