Well the fact is that I want to make a sum of a row and that this is saved in a field here of how I carry the table:
the case is that when entering:
UPDATE enero
SET totalgastos= enero.alimentacion+enero.transporte+enero.servicios+enero.otros
good the case is that when changing a value of any field (feeding, transport, services, others) this sure having the same value by which it would have to re-enter the:
UPDATE enero
SET totalgastos= enero.alimentacion+enero.transporte+enero.servicios+enero.otros
so I saw the task of creating a trigger to perform the addition automatically, when changing a value in the table:
CREATE TRIGGER 'actualizarenero' BEFORE UPDATE ON 'enero' FOR EACH ROW UPDATE enero SET totalgastos= enero.alimentacion+enero.transporte+enero.servicios+enero.otros
The problem is that trying to change a value does not leave me and I get the following error:
and I do not know what I'm doing wrong: /.
PS: Thanks for the attention: v