The intent does not want to work to open another activity


Good afternoon friends I have a problem with the intents I do not know what's wrong I want to open another activity from a class obviously passing the context of the activity from where I want to pass it.

public class Informe implements Response.ErrorListener, Response.Listener<JSONObject> {

//Propiedades que ayudan a conectarnos con el webservices

 RequestQueue request;
 JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest;

 //El contexto donde se maneja este informe de la aplicacion

Context InformarTrabajoContext;

//Propiedades propias del Informe
private String Conclusion;
private String DescripcionDelTrabajo;
private String Estad;
private int id_informe ;
private String Necesidades;

private int registro_empleado;

public Informe(String conclusion, String descripcionDelTrabajo, String estad, int id_informe, String necesidades, int registro_empleado) {
    Conclusion = conclusion;
    DescripcionDelTrabajo = descripcionDelTrabajo;
    Estad = estad;
    this.id_informe = id_informe;
    Necesidades = necesidades;
    this.registro_empleado = registro_empleado;

public Informe() {

public int getRegistro_empleado() {
    return registro_empleado;

public void setRegistro_empleado(int registro_empleado) {
    this.registro_empleado = registro_empleado;

public String getConclusion() {
    return Conclusion;

public void setConclusion(String conclusion) {
    Conclusion = conclusion;

public String getDescripcionDelTrabajo() {
    return DescripcionDelTrabajo;

public void setDescripcionDelTrabajo(String descripcionDelTrabajo) {
    DescripcionDelTrabajo = descripcionDelTrabajo;

public String getEstad() {
    return Estad;

public void setEstad(String estad) {
    Estad = estad;

public int getId_informe() {
    return id_informe;

public void setId_informe(int id_informe) {
    this.id_informe = id_informe;

public String getNecesidades() {
    return Necesidades;

public void setNecesidades(String necesidades) {
    Necesidades = necesidades;

 public void RegistrarInforme(Context contexto){

     this.InformarTrabajoContext = contexto;
     this.request = Volley.newRequestQueue(this.InformarTrabajoContext);


private void llamarAlWebSerices() {

    String url = ""+this.Conclusion+"&descripcion="+this.DescripcionDelTrabajo+"&necesidades="+this.Necesidades+"&registro_empleado="+this.registro_empleado+"&Estado="+this.Estad;
    url = url.replace(" ","%20");
    this.jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET,url,null,this,this);

public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
    //Toast.makeText(this.InformarTrabajoContext,"Agregado exitosamente"+error.getMessage(),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    Intent VolverVentanaAnterior = new Intent(this.InformarTrabajoContext, InformacionDelEmpleado.class);

public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
     //Toast.makeText(this.InformarTrabajoContext,"Informe agregado correctamente",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    Intent VolverVentanaAnterior = new Intent(this.InformarTrabajoContext, MainActivity.class);


I have the context that I receive as a parameter when it is called Record Report and good about that context work and look at the method onResponse and onErrorResponse I want to open another activity but I get an error I do not know what happens because it will be thank you very much.

Here below I pass the code that is from where I call the RecordReport method:

public class InformarTrabajo extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {

// Objetos del form

private EditText etDescripcion,etConclusion,etNecesidades;
private Button btnEnviarInforme;
private Spinner spinnerEstado;

//Objeto Informe

private Informe informeDeEmpleado;

//Registro del empleado

int registro_empleado;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


private void setButtonEvents() {


public void onClick(View v) {


private void llenarObjetoInforme() {

      this.informeDeEmpleado = new Informe();


private void InicializarObjetosForm() {
    this.etDescripcion = (EditText)findViewById(;
    this.etConclusion = (EditText) findViewById(;
    this.etNecesidades = (EditText)findViewById(;
    this.spinnerEstado = (Spinner) findViewById(;
    this.btnEnviarInforme = (Button) findViewById(;

private void recuPerarRegistro() {

     this.registro_empleado = getIntent().getExtras().getInt("registroEmleado");



asked by Ijsud 24.09.2018 в 22:36

1 answer


try in the onResponse to put this code that what it does is open the activity you want.

  Intent intent = new Intent(v.getContext(), miActivity.class);
            startActivityForResult(intent, 0);
answered by 24.09.2018 в 23:22